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Rules of Order for Administrative Control Board Meetings

Resolution 2023-02 Rules of Order and Procedue for Board Meetings.pdf


Order of Business and Organization of Board Agenda
The Board shall consider business in the following order:
1.1. Closed session, if needed.
1.2. Work/Briefing Session (generally work/briefing sessions will be held prior
to the regular sessions, upon call of the President/Chair or two Board
1.3. Regular Session (will be held as determined by the Board and include
Welcome, Introduction & Preliminary Matters)
a. Pledge of Allegiance
b. Public comments
The purpose of public comment is to allow residents to
address the Board. Residents requesting to address the Board
must state their name and area of residence for the minutes.
In general, the chair will allow an individual two minutes to
address the Board. A spokesperson, recognized as
representing a group in attendance, may be allowed up to
five minutes. At the conclusion of the citizen comment time,
the chair may direct staff to assist the resident on the issue
presented, direct the resident to the proper action, or take no
1.4. Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda lists Board action items which require no further
discussion, or which are routine in nature, including the minutes of prior
meetings. All items on the Consent Agenda shall be adopted by a single
motion and roll call vote. Prior to the motion to adopt the Consent Agenda,
any Board member may have any item removed from the Consent Agenda
in order to permit discussion on that item. If a majority of the quorum
present at the Board meeting vote in favor of adopting the Consent Agenda,
every item on the Consent Agenda shall be adopted.
1.5. Action items - consideration of approval (business matters)
1.6. Financial Matters (reports, budget items, procurement approval requests, etc.)
1.7. Committee Reports (committee chair must request item before agenda is published)
1.8. Other items as needed
1.8. Board Comments
1.9. Adjournment
The Board may, by motion and majority vote, proceed out of order to any order of business
and return to order.

2.1. Motions can be made or seconded by any member of the Board (the Chair shall
generally refrain from making a motion unless it is evident that no other Board
member is willing to do so). No motion shall be debated until it has been seconded
and announced by the Chair.
2.2. Any motion may be modified by the sponsor of the motion, with the consent of the
second, or withdrawn by the sponsor, with consent of the chair, at any time before
amendment or voting.
2.3. When a question is under debate, the procedural motions listed below, shall require
a majority vote of the quorum present at the Board meeting. The Chair will consider
motions to:
a. Recess
b. Suspend the rules to address an immediate more urgent matter (this
motion requires a two-thirds majority)
c. Cease debate and call for a vote (“call the question”)
d. Postpone to a set time and date
e. Refer to a committee
f. Limit debate
g. Table the motion (postpone indefinitely)
h. Amend
2.4. Any amendment must relate to the same subject as the original motion under

3.1. The Chair shall recognize any Board member requesting recognition to speak,
debate, make a motion, submit a report, or for any reason, address the Board, unless
a motion taking precedence is offered.
3.2. The Chair shall recognize the author of the motion first and then others wishing to
address the motion.
3.3. During debate, the Chair shall be responsible for maintaining order. If private
discourse among or between Board members or any other disturbance disrupts the
Board’s business, the Chair may call the Board to order. When the Chair calls the
Board to order, all discussion and other disturbance shall cease.
3.4. Any Board member may make a motion to call to order, a point of personal
privilege, or for information on or clarification of the motion. A motion for any of
these issues does not require a second and is not debatable.
3.5. All Board members shall be allowed to speak once on each motion before any
member may speak a second time.

Motions Decided Without Debate
The following motions will be decided without debate:
4.1. Adjourn
4.2. Recess
4.3. Suspend the rules
4.4. Cease debate and call for a vote
4.5. Limit debate
4.6. Table the motion (may be limited debate on the propriety of the motion to table)

5.1. Voting shall be in the form of “yes,” “no,” or “abstain.”
5.2. At least a quorum must be present before a vote may be taken. All votes requiring
a majority shall be a majority of the quorum present.
5.3. An expression of “abstain” during voting shall be considered as a no vote. A Board
member who abstains on a question, or is absent, may not move to reconsider that
5.4. In the case of a tie vote, the motion shall fail.
5.5. Board members shall not explain their votes during the call of the roll or at the time
of a voice vote. However, at the conclusion of the vote, any Board member may
request a point of personal privilege to give an explanation of their vote.

When Board Members Shall Vote
6.1. With at least a quorum present, every Board member who is in the meeting at the
time the vote is called shall vote. On a roll call vote, votes shall be cast as the roll
is called. Roll call votes shall proceed as directed by the Chair.

7.1. No Board member shall walk about in or out of the meeting while the Chair is
calling the vote.
7.2. Board members should avoid engaging in private discourse or committing any other
act which may tend to distract the attention of the Board or the audience from the
business before the Board, or interfere with any person’s right to be heard after
recognition by the Chair.
7.3. When speaking to or debating a specific subject before the Board, all persons,
including Board members, shall confine their remarks to the topic under discussion
or debate, avoiding personal attacks. Anyone engaging in discussion or debate
beyond the topic before the Board shall be ordered to stop by the Chair and no
further discussion or debate will be allowed by said person.
7.4. No one may address the Board without first being recognized by the Chair. Only
one Board member may speak at a time.

8.1. Any Board member who has voted with the prevailing side of a question may move
at the same meeting to reconsider the question.
8.2. A motion to reconsider shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of the
quorum present.

Amendment, Revision or Addition to the Bylaws/Rules of Procedure
9.1. Any Board member may propose amendments, revisions, or additions to
these Rules of Procedure.
9.2. Each amendment, revision, or addition proposed by a Board member shall be in
written form and copies shall be provided to each Board member.
9.3. A majority vote of all Board members in a regular Board meeting shall be required
for passage and adoption of any amendment, revision, or addition to these Rules of

Roberts Rules of Order
10.1. With respect to matters not described above, Roberts Rules of Order – Simplified
shall govern.

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