Adminstrative Control Board June 13, 2024
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Utah Code §52-4-202, that the Administrative Control Board (the “Board”) of the North Summit Fire District (the “District”) will hold its regular work session and meeting on Thursday, June 13, 2024, beginning at 6:00 PM at the Summit County Courthouse, Executive Conference Room (2nd Floor), 60 N. Main St., Coalville, UT 84017
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Closed session in compliance with Utah Code §52-4-205(1) as needed, to discuss:
a. Purchase, exchange, or lease of real property
b. Pending or reasonably imminent litigation
c. Personnel – to discuss the character, competence, or physical or mental health of an individual
d. Deployment of security personnel, devices, or systems
4. Reconvene in Open Meeting
5. Pledge of Allegiance
6. Work Session
a. Chief’s Report. Discussion of current operational status. (Ben Nielson)
a. Buildings
b. Apparatus
c. Training
d. Operations (Medical/Fire)
e. Misc.
7. Public Input
Public comment is for any matter not on the Agenda. If you wish to interact with the Board for public input, please follow the “Public Comment Instructions”.
8. Consent Agenda
a. Accounts Payable May 2024
b. Minutes of March 14, & May 9, 2024
9. Consideration of Approval
a. Discussion and possible approval to declare the Tollgate shed surplus property and discussion of direction to staff on disposing of the shed in a commercially reasonable manner in accordance with the district’s surplus property policy; and a discussion on how to respond to the revised offer from the Tollgate HOA.
b. Discussion and possible approval of the License and Site Use Agreement between the District and Heber Valley Self Reliance Group for a community garden at Station 23.
c. Discussion and possible approval of surplus property.
a. Surplus of 2022 F150
b. Donation of Truck 21 to Davis Technical Collage Fire Academy
d. Discussion and possible recommendation to the County Council for district policy and procedures approval.
a. Pre-Face
b. Section 100
c. Section 200
d. Section 300
10. Board Comments.
11. Adjourn.