LP Gas Plan Review Form
Information shall be submitted only by a Utah licensed LP Gas installer and shall include the original drawings or readable copy. Do not send faxes without prior approval from the Fire Marshal's office. Insufficient information, non-readable copy or non-payment of fees will be cause for rejection of plans.
Provide a copy of the approval from the authority having jurisdiction: Building, Planning, Zoning.
After all fee's are paid by the applicant is when the review process begins. NSFD has up to 14 business days for residential projects and up to 21 business days for commercial projects to be reviewed reviewed.
Installation of tank and piping as per NFPA 58 (2017), IFGC (2018), and the International Fire Code (2018 Edition) Chapter 61 Type of approved vehicle protection to be used. Guard posts or other approved means of protection for tank and piping shall be provided. International Fire Code (2018 Edition) section 312 and NFPA 58 (2017 Edition). Guard posts shall be constructed of steel not less than 4 inches in diameter and concrete filled, spaced no more than 4 feet apart, set no less than 3 feet deep in a concrete footing of not less than a 15 inch diameter, with the top of the posts not less than 3 feet above the ground, and not less than 3 feet from the tank. Type(s) of security and protection against tampering to be provided. Provide location of fire extinguisher within 75 feet of dispenser. Minimum 18 lb B.C. rating. Provide signage: No Smoking, Propane, and Flammable Gas.

The plan or sketch is to include: Size of tank(s) to be installed (water gallons), distance from tank to property lines, existing buildings, streets, roads and sidewalks, overhead power lines, and all sources of ignition in all directions. Type of approved vehicle protection to be used. Guard posts or other approved means of protection for tank and piping shall be provided. International Fire Code (2018 Edition) Chapter 3 Section 312 and NFPA 58 (2017 Edition)Location of minimum 18 lb. B.C. fire extinguisher within 75 feet of dispenser.